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Harpeth Commons

Harpeth Commons consists of five buildings originally constructed between the early 1980s and the late 1990s. When it came time for thorough renovations to all five exteriors and the core and shell of four buildings, Brasfield & Gorrie answered the call. This award-winning project posed a particular challenge as approximately 90 small business were still operating during the project, but our team employed outstanding safety measures to protect tenants and customers throughout construction.


Highwoods Properties

Project Stats

33,000 sq ft

"In general, renovations always seem to have their own challenges. This project, however, was unique in this way. Not only were we renovating four different building interiors, but we were also carving a new road and sidewalks through surface lots, along with adding bio-retention and previous pavers without knowing for sure what was underground. It takes an expert team to execute a project like this, and I am so thankful that Brasfield & Gorrie was the general contractor. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and forethought throughout the project. Because of your expertise, we both have an incredibly happy client!"

Hastings Architecture