Memorial Hospital

Memorial Hospital Campus Plan

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Memorial Healthcare

Project Size:
485,692 sq ft


ABC Alabama Excellence in Construction Award

The Memorial Hospital Expansion project transformed the hospital’s campus master plan, adding state-of-the-art facilities to serve the Chattanooga area with healthcare excellence. This 485,692 sq ft mega-project included two large building additions as well as multiple renovation projects. The seven-story, 360,000 sq ft North Tower addition provides cardiovascular, emergency, critical care, and radiology services. The 125,692 sq ft South Tower renovation and addition provides the hospital’s surgical suite, including a new hybrid operating room.

The project had a 42-month construction schedule and 21 phases, with a scope of work that included demolition, site work, utility relocation, department relocations, a daycare center, north and south tower additions, a central utility plant, a new emergency department, a gastrointestinal laboratory, a patient tower, a cardiovascular department, new surgery suites with a hybrid OR, and a new 50- by 50-foot helipad.